Reformation of Reserve Requirement System in China in Virtue of Monetary Policy Implementation in Mexico 墨西哥货币政策操作对我国准备金制度改革的启示
Monetary Policy Effect of Reserve Requirement and Capital Adequacy Ratio System 存款准备金与资本充足率监管的货币政策效应
Behavior of Bank Reserve Management Under Zero Reserve Requirement System 零准备金制度下商业银行储备管理行为
Because of the similar status of development in finance and economy, it is necessary to use the thought of Mexico ′ s reserve requirement system for reference to deepen reform in china. 鉴于墨西哥经济与金融发展程度与我国比较接近,因此,我国更应该适当借鉴其准备金制度改革的思路及优点,用以推进我国准备金制度的深化改革。
Two different methods, deterministic method and probabilistic method are introduced to evaluate the reserve requirement ( RR) of power system. 文章对两种确定备用需求容量的方法,即确定性方法和概率性方法进行了介绍,并对两种方法进行了分析比较。
Secondly, in order to study negative effect of the present discriminatory legal reserve requirement system imposed on our regional economic development. This paper has done a great deal in the analysis and argument both theoretically and empirically. 其次,为了深究现行差别存款准备金制度对我国地区经济发展的不利影响,本文通过理论与实证两方面进行深入论证。
From this part, readers can indirectly understand the reason why the Chinese central bank enforces the discriminatory legal reserve requirement system. 通过对这一节的阅读,读者可以间接感受到我国中央银行为何实施差别准备金制度的原因。